Since 2014-15 the imports of TV has been increasing till FY18-9. The imports of TV shave decreased significantly from 1.03...
Since 2014-15 the imports of TV has been increasing till FY18-9. The imports of TV shave decreased significantly from 1.03...
IT/Hardware imports grew from 2.467 billion USD in FY 14-15 to 5.94 billion USD in FY 22-23. The sudden surge...
The data shows tremendous growth in mobile phone production can be attributed to various factors, including government incentives and policies...
Import % - The provided data represents the percentage of imported mobile phones as a part of the total market...
The data demonstrates a general upward trend in the exports of electronics goods from India, with a significant increase starting...
The data shows a significant increase in both total electronics exports and mobile phone exports over the years, with mobile...
The data provided lists the percentage value of exports from India to various destinations around the world. The United Arab...
The data provided above represents the percentage share of the total exports for 10 countries from India.TheUnitedStatesholdsthelargestshareat24%,highlightingits significant role as...
The top 5 states - Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat, constitute 85% of overall electronic goods exported...
Robust supply chains are critical to the growth of the electronics industry, ensuring consistent access to essential components and mitigating...