The above table is a snapshot of the top 10 commodities exported in the electronics goods category for the period
of April-May in 2022 and 2023. The total export of these top 10 commodities has seen a substantial increase, from
$1641 million in 2022 to $3416 million in 2023, which is more than a 100% increase.

Looking at individual commodities, the export of smartphones increased substantively, moving from $942 million
to $2431 million, signifying a thriving demand for Made in India smartphones in the global market.

Overall, the total export of all electronic goods increased from $3057 million in the first two months of FY23 to
$4538 million during the same period in FY24, implying healthy and continuous growth in the sector. The data
reveals a general positive trend in the exports of electronic goods, with significant growth in some commodities
indicating shifting global demands and potentially successful local strategies in those sectors.

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